30 August 2010

12 August 2010

How to keep marble clean

By Peter Hotton, Globe Staff  |  July 22, 2010

Q. The hall floor in my 100-year-old house is marble. How can I clean it and keep it clean? Some of the lower sashes in my house, the ones with sash weights and chains, are sticking. How can I loosen them?
MARY ANNfrom Boston

A. Marble is tough to keep clean because it is so absorbent. Wash with a strong solution of Spic and Span and water, let it soak for 10 minutes or so, then rinse and let dry. Others have had luck with Ultra Bright toothpaste. (Read more)

02 August 2010

Easy Fix: Why My Dishwasher Flooded My Kitchen

ldsm073010.jpgWhen my dishwasher flooded my kitchen I started to mentally prepare myself for calling a plumber. Before I took that drastic step, I checked the owners manual and googled around. I was quite pleased to discover there was a quick fix to this little problem. (Read more @ apartmenttherapy.com)